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    Tuesday 6 January 2009

    Hospital here we come

    Caroline is in hospital for an op tomorrow, to get the discs in her neck sorted out. They've been causing her pain for about six months now, so we're pleased that they are going to get sorted at last.

    I'm on house arrest for three days, keeping the place ticking over, so watch this space. I'll have a spreadsheet knocked up in an hour with everything timed to military precision, the place will be running like a well oiled machine.

    I went to a dinner at Man City last night, Mark Hughes and a few of the players were there and they participated in a Q&A session hosted by Fred Eyre. I thought they were all really lacklustre and lacking personality, what an opportunity missed. I was a bit miffed as Mark Hughes had the same suit, shirt and tie combo on as me, he could have checked with me beforehand, it would only have taken a quick text or call, still if you're a man with his problems.....

    I signed up for the Manchester to Blackpool bike ride today, it's about sixty miles and is held in July, so I'm going to get in training on my bike. I like having something to aim for. I went out on the bike last weekend and did about ten miles, my backside ached like billio for three days, so I'll work on my John Wayne walk in the meantime.

    Hoping that 2009 is everything that you thought it would be a week ago!

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